
Global challenges in AD care

What were the gaps and challenges in AD care across the patient pathway?

A number of gaps in care exist across the patient pathway

Awareness and Presentation Symptom presentation

Gaps in care

  • Misconceptions regarding the causes and triggers of AD (especially the role of allergies)(a)

Challenges driving gaps in care


  • AD having no clear cause, making it difficult to explain and prone to misconceptions(a)
  • Physicians may have received limited education regarding AD(b)


  • Experience of stigmatisation (similar to other visible skin diseases) e.g. due to the misconception AD is contagious(c)
  • AD is underappreciated as it is seen as a childhood disease that causes minor problems(c)

Diagnosis and Referral In secondary and tertiary care

Gaps in care

  • Delayed referral and access to AD specialist care (when required)(d)

Challenges driving gaps in care

Health Systems

  • Healthcare systems or insurance requiring a primary care practitioner (PCP) referral to access specialist AD care(e)
  • Variation in technological infrastructure that can create inefficient referral processes(e)
  • Lack of dermatologists and expanding centre catchment areas/growing populations resulting in increasing demand(e)


  • AD patients commonly presenting to PCP(f), who may have received limited training on AD management and referral(d), and exposure to new treatments available in specialist care(g)
  • There being a number of diseases that may mimic AD and atypical AD presentations that can lead to misdiagnosis(h)
  • It being challenging to determine AD severity(i), and that each patient is individual in how they are affected by the disease(a)

Treatment and Management Medical and non-medical management

Gaps in care

  • Lack of patient access to AD treatments(j)
  • Patient non-adherence to treatment regimens(k)

Challenges driving gaps in care

Health Systems

  • Fixed budgets/resources means reimbursement is not always available for certain treatments(j)
  • Medical insurance coverage for certain treatments will vary across providers/plans(l)
  • Fewer AD treatment options are available for paediatric populations (e.g. not yet approved)(m)


  • Lack of patient education delivered regarding correct dosage/usage and appropriate treatment expectations(j)
  • Short consultations can limit time available for patient education(n)


  • Significant burden of treatment application for patients/carers(k)(p)
  • Fear of treatment side-effects (e.g. corticosteroid phobia from misinformation)(o)
  • Financial burden of AD treatment, which can impact access(k)(p)

Follow-up Monitoring of chronic disease/flare up

Gaps in care

  • Managing of the complexity of AD as a disease and its comorbidities(d)
  • Reducing the burden of AD on patients(k)(p)

Challenges driving gaps in care

Health Systems

  • Limited availability or access to (e.g. due to funding) comorbidity specialists/multidisciplinary team (MDT) to help provide holistic AD care(d)(q)


  • Individual trigger factors differ(i)(r), and the fluctuating nature of disease causes change over time(s), resulting in requirements for individual tailoring of information and advice
  • Association of AD with multiple comorbidities/conditions, each of which may require specialist help to be diagnosed and managed effectively(d)


  • Impact of AD on multiple components of patients’ QoL (mental well-being, sleep, relationships, finances, work/school, etc.)(t)(u)
  • Chronic nature of AD requiring lifelong patient management(j)


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